Raffey Cassidy, a 22-year-old British actor, recently starred in the post-Holocaust historical epic The Brutalist alongside Adrien Brody. While proving her talent onscreen, she is also making a name for herself as a fashion darling. With the help of her stylist Rebecca Corbin-Murray, Cassidy showcased classic Italian glamour mixed with British sweetness at the Venice Film Festival. She wore outfits from luxury fashion houses like Miu Miu, Chanel, and Celine, combining them with pieces from independent labels to create unique looks.
Throughout the festival, Cassidy embraced a variety of styles. She wore a polka-dotted minidress with a bejeweled collar for the Miu Miu Women’s Tales photocall and a floral Alessandra Rich dress with a ruffled collar to an Aston Martin party. For the premiere of The Brutalist, she opted for a more severe look in a Chanel Couture midi dress with tiered tulle, sequined embroidery, and a dramatic black veil. Cassidy enjoys the challenge of finding fashion pieces that align with the film or occasion she is attending, helping her feel confident.
Cassidy’s relationship with luxury fashion houses allows her to experiment with her personal style and mix and match different brands. She appreciates the opportunity to wear clothing and accessories from renowned designers, enhancing her fashion choices. The Miu Miu Women’s Tales event allowed her to embrace a more feminine character, while her Chanel Couture dress for The Brutalist premiere showcased her ability to make bold fashion choices that align with the occasion.
At the Venice Film Festival, Cassidy exuded elegance and sophistication in her fashion choices. Arriving in Venice in a Miu Miu outfit, she set the stage for a series of fabulous red carpet looks that captured the attention of onlookers. Whether leaning into a twee aesthetic or opting for a more severe and dramatic style, Cassidy demonstrated her versatility and ability to adapt her fashion sense to different events and occasions. Her unique approach to fashion has solidified her status as a rising star in both the film and fashion industries.
Overall, Raffey Cassidy’s presence at the Venice Film Festival was a testament to her talent as an actor and her emerging status as a fashion icon. Through collaborations with luxury fashion houses and her stylist, Cassidy curated a series of stunning looks that highlighted her diverse range of fashion sensibilities. By mixing high-end designer pieces with independent labels, she showcased her ability to create unique and memorable outfits that stood out on the red carpet. As she continues to make a name for herself in the entertainment industry, Cassidy’s fashion choices are sure to remain a key element of her evolving personal brand.