A 27-year-old substitute teacher named Jasskirta Saini was arrested for harassing a 14-year-old student at Hillcrest High School over several weeks. The interactions between Saini and the student were disturbing, with Saini allegedly telling the girl that he would make her “fall in love” if they had sex. He also showed her his hickeys and made inappropriate comments, which the teen found unsettling. Saini’s behavior towards the student included asking her if she found him attractive, hugging her, and telling her that he wanted to start a relationship with her.
During one encounter, Saini showed off hickeys his girlfriend left on his neck and expressed his desire for the student to be in a relationship with him. He also made inappropriate comments in front of other students, claiming they were jealous of the girl for being close to him. Saini demanded a hair tie from the student as a memento and pulled her chair closer to him, causing their knees to touch. Additionally, he doused himself in her perfume and said he wanted to smell like her to make his girlfriend jealous.
When the girl expressed that she wanted nothing to do with Saini, he reacted angrily on Instagram, accusing her of not showing him respect. The girl’s father filed a complaint against Saini, leading to his arrest at the school on child endangerment and harassment charges. Despite being released without bail, Saini was ordered to stay away from the girl. This incident is not the first time Saini has been in legal trouble; in 2016, he was charged with writing swastikas and “KKK” on a college campus buildings.
Saini was charged with 10 counts of felony harassment for the swastika incident but later pleaded guilty to attempted criminal mischief and received one year of probation. His next court date is scheduled for July 10. The Department of Education has not yet commented on the situation.Saini’s behavior towards the student was inappropriate and harassing, with actions that caused the girl discomfort and distress. The charges against him include child endangerment and harassment, reflecting the seriousness of his actions. Despite this incident, Saini was released without bail but ordered to stay away from the girl. His previous legal troubles, involving writing swastikas on a college campus, raise concerns about his behavior and potential psychological issues.
The Department of Education has not yet provided a statement regarding the situation, leaving questions about how such behavior was allowed to occur in the school setting. Saini’s disturbing interactions with the 14-year-old student highlight the need for stricter measures to prevent such incidents in educational environments. The fact that Saini was charged for similar behavior in the past suggests a pattern of inappropriate conduct that should be addressed with legal consequences and potentially counseling or therapy. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting students from predatory behavior by adults in positions of authority.