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French authorities have opened a formal investigation into Telegram founder Pavel Durov on suspicion of criminal activity on the platform. Durov, a Russian-born billionaire, is being investigated for alleged offenses such as complicity in illegal gang transactions and refusal to provide information to authorities. He has been released from police custody in France but must remain in the country under judicial supervision, with a bail set at $5.56 million. Durov is required to report to the French police station twice a week as part of the conditions of his release.

The investigation does not suggest guilt but indicates that prosecutors believe there is enough evidence to warrant a serious official inquiry. The French National Office for Minors has reported a lack of response from Telegram to court requests concerning offenses like trafficking, online hate speech, and pedophilia. The investigation includes allegations of complicity in enabling illegal transactions on the platform, an offense that carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

Durov’s detention at a Paris airport on Saturday stemmed from allegations of Telegram’s lack of moderation, leading to charges related to various crimes such as aiding fraudsters, drug traffickers, and individuals spreading child pornography. Telegram’s lack of content moderation has also raised concerns over its use by terrorist groups and far-right extremists. Durov’s arrest sparked debates about freedom of speech and drew criticism from Russia, with the Kremlin seeking to reassure users about the app’s future.

French President Emmanuel Macron stated that the decision to bring charges against Durov was not political, emphasizing the judicial nature of the case. Telegram, launched in 2013 by Durov and his brother Nikolai, boasts over 950 million users and is highly popular worldwide. The app’s encrypted conversations provide users with a high level of privacy, with limited oversight from law enforcement or Telegram itself. Durov, who holds French citizenship and lives in Dubai, is a billionaire known for his lavish lifestyle and the global success of Telegram.

Despite receiving praise for enabling private communication in restrictive regimes, Telegram has faced criticism for facilitating illicit activities, including terrorist plots such as the Paris attacks in 2015. Durov has defended the app’s commitment to security and privacy, stating that it cannot be both secure against criminals and open to government scrutiny. The ongoing investigation into Durov and Telegram highlights the complex challenges facing communication platforms in balancing privacy, security, and accountability in an increasingly digital world.

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