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Anne Lackey, the cofounder of HireSmart Virtual Employees, helps businesses recruit, hire, and train global talent. She compares maintaining office culture to addressing water problems early on instead of waiting for a catastrophic failure. Gossip and backbiting can erode trust within a team, leading to a negative work environment. Disrespect and exclusion can cause talented employees to seek opportunities elsewhere if left unchecked. Silos and turf wars can block information flow and hinder collaboration, leading to a toxic work culture.

To prevent toxic behaviors in the workplace, it is important to constantly assess and align incentive structures with core values. Company values should be visible in daily operations, from onboarding to performance reviews, to ensure that being respectful and a team player are valued traits. Sharing employee stories that exemplify values and showcasing positive customer feedback can reinforce the importance of these principles within the organization. Hiring for cultural fit and being willing to let go of toxic employees are essential steps in maintaining a healthy work environment.

Empowering employees to shape the work environment and leading with vulnerability and accountability can promote a positive culture within the organization. Regularly checking in with employees and addressing any issues before they escalate is crucial in maintaining a healthy work culture. Setting high standards for management and holding them accountable for team culture can ensure that the values and behaviors desired are upheld throughout the organization.

Forbes Business Council advises business owners and leaders to treat company culture as critical infrastructure to ensure the business continues to thrive in the long run. By defining, incentivizing, and reinforcing positive behaviors, leaders can create a strong, positive work culture that benefits both employees and the organization as a whole. By taking proactive steps to address and prevent toxic behaviors, businesses can foster a healthy, positive work environment that encourages collaboration and growth.

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