The Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius is set to peak on May 23 at 9:53 a.m. EST, with the best viewing times being Wednesday and Thursday evenings. During a full moon, the sun’s ego and the moon’s emo energies are illuminated, showing how they can integrate to elevate. This full moon has the sun in Gemini opposing the moon in Sagittarius, representing chaos, conversation, and celebration.
Sagittarius and Gemini are mutable signs that act as a bridge between seasons and reflect flexibility in their archetypes. Both signs are open to the liminal and the impossible, making their axis complementary. This full moon can be seen as what can be targeted with Gemini can be accomplished with Sagittarius. The axis of words and wisdom, curiosity and philosophy, rhetoric and revolution is where creativity, freedom, and connection thrive, represented by the hot air balloon as a symbol.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of fortune and abundance, representing themes of optimism and excess. Optimism is seen as the belief that life is unfolding for your greatest good, encouraging a mindset of abundance and optimism under the light of the moon. Luck is more about belief than proof, and embracing the spirit of Sagittarius can lead to great abundance and positivity. This full moon encourages individuals to fly high in the realm of wild imagination.
Known as the Flower Moon by the Algonquin people, May’s full moon represents the boom of blooms that carpeted North America in late spring. Other names for this moon include the Leaf Budding Moon, Planting Moon, Egg Laying Moon, Frog Moon, and Moon of the Shedding Ponies. These names reflect the promise of vitality, renewal, and the rush of possibility that accompanies the full moon. The wealth of form renewed and the potent rush of possibility are meant to serve individuals well.
Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports on planetary configurations and their effects on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experiences. Individuals can book a birth chart reading through her website. Astrology 101 provides a guide to the stars and how they influence daily life and events, offering insight into the connection between celestial bodies and personal experiences.