April is ushering in a period of intense astrological energy, with the upcoming full pink moon in Scorpio shaking things up. The sun is currently in Taurus, while the moon will be in Scorpio during this powerful manifestation. These fixed signs bring themes of power, intimacy, resources, release, and self-rescue to the forefront. This full moon, occurring on April 23, promises to bring hidden pain and parasites to the surface, especially after the recent cosmic upheaval of the April 8 eclipse.
The ruling planet of Scorpio, Pluto, symbolizes death, rebirth, endings, shadow work, and transformation through trauma. Pluto’s abduction of Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, is a central myth in understanding the energy of this moon. Persephone’s journey to the underworld echoes the themes of descent into darkness, transformation, and resilience. Persephone’s alternating time above and below ground represents the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth that we all experience.
The Taurus/Scorpio axis embodies the struggle between descent and self-discovery. Taurus represents pleasure and the tangible aspects of life, while Scorpio delves into the depths of power and release. Balancing these energies requires facing our pain and suffering to tap into our true power and resilience. The archetypes of Persephone and Pluto remind us that growth often comes after devastation and that rebuilding ourselves is where true strength lies.
The T-square formed by the sun in Taurus, moon in Scorpio, and Pluto in Aquarius brings even more intensity to this full moon. These aspects point to a period of deep transformation, endings, and rebirth. While the term “pink moon” may not reflect the actual color of the moon, the themes of renewal, fertility, and growth associated with April’s full moon are a call to shed old patterns and make way for new beginnings. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius signs, along with those with major placements under these signs, will feel the effects of this lunar event most profoundly.
As we navigate the energies of this full pink moon in Scorpio, it is essential to welcome grief, embrace challenges, and grow with determination. The themes of power, intimacy, and release highlighted during this time call for resilience and self-reflection. By facing our pain and transforming it into growth, we can move towards a state of grace and renewal. Astrologer Reda Wigle emphasizes the importance of integrating history, poetry, and personal experiences in interpreting astrological events, providing insights that resonate with a wide range of individuals.