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During a press conference on the papal plane, Pope Francis criticized both U.S. presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, for what he deemed to be anti-life policies on abortion and migration. The Pope emphasized that both candidates are “against life” – referring to Trump’s stance on migrants and Harris’s support for abortion. Francis has been a vocal advocate for migrants and has condemned those who reject them as committing a “grave sin”. He also supports the Catholic Church teaching that abortion is a sin, although he has not been as outspoken on the issue as his predecessors.

The Pope was asked to give advice to American Catholic voters about the upcoming presidential election during a press conference on the papal plane returning to Rome from his tour through Asia. While he did not mention Trump or Harris by name, Francis spoke about issues associated with both parties. He stressed that migration is addressed in Scripture and reiterated the importance of welcoming strangers, stating that it is a sin to not follow the Bible’s teachings on the matter. Francis had previously criticized Trump’s plans to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexican border, saying that anyone who builds a wall to keep out migrants is “not Christian”. On the issue of abortion, the Pope made it clear that having an abortion is essentially killing a human being, regardless of one’s personal opinions. He emphasized the need to see this reality clearly.

Despite his criticism of both candidates, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of voting and choosing the lesser evil. He acknowledged that deciding between the two candidates might not be straightforward, but urged voters to consider their choices carefully. Abortion and immigration have become central issues in this year’s election, with Trump advocating for tougher immigration policies and deportation of illegal immigrants, and Harris strongly supporting abortion rights. Harris has also criticized Trump for appointing conservative justices to the Supreme Court, leading to the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade, which protected a woman’s right to abortion.

The Pope’s comments on the two candidates reflect his commitment to defending the sanctity of life and advocating for migrants in the face of anti-immigrant rhetoric. While he has expressed his views on abortion in the past, his remarks on the issue during the press conference were in line with the Catholic Church’s teachings on the sanctity of life. Francis’s advice to American Catholic voters underscores the moral complexity of the election and the need for conscientious decision-making. The endorsement of the lesser evil and the emphasis on voting reflect the Pope’s belief in the importance of civic engagement and responsible decision-making in the democratic process.

In conclusion, Pope Francis’s critique of both U.S. presidential candidates for their positions on abortion and migration highlights his commitment to upholding the sanctity of life and welcoming migrants. By urging American Catholic voters to consider their choices carefully and vote for the lesser evil, he stresses the moral responsibility of participating in the democratic process. The issues of abortion and immigration have taken center stage in this year’s election, with Trump emphasizing tough immigration policies and Harris advocating for abortion rights. The Pope’s advice reflects his concern for the well-being of both migrants and the unborn, as well as his belief in the importance of responsible decision-making in a democratic society.

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