Parents at Atrisco Heritage Academy High School were shocked and outraged when a scantily-clad drag queen performed at the senior prom. The performer, identified as Mythica Sahreen, danced provocatively in a bodysuit and thigh-high boots while students watched and some even joined in on the fun. Many parents criticized the school administration for not warning them about the performance and deemed it as “lewd” and “highly inappropriate” for a teenage event.
One mother, Morgan, expressed her concerns about the lack of communication from the school and the failure to consider the impact of such a performance on students and parents. She mentioned that prior to the incident, she never had any issues with the school, but the current academic year seemed to be a failure in various aspects. Other parents also questioned the decision to have a drag queen perform at a school function and one even requested a refund for her children’s prom ticket.
The backlash from the parents has also affected Sahreen, who received death threats and threats against his employer after the video of his performance went viral. The performer clarified that he was not hired for the prom, but had been invited to attend. In response to the controversy, Albuquerque Public Schools launched an investigation to determine the impact of the performance on the students. The school’s principal was quietly replaced amid the uproar, but neither the high school nor the school district provided immediate comment on the situation.
Despite the criticism and negative consequences, Sahreen has tried to move past the hateful comments on social media by deleting them from his page. The incident has sparked a larger debate about the boundaries of appropriate entertainment at school events and the importance of communication between schools and parents. The lack of transparency regarding the drag queen’s invitation to the prom and the school’s handling of the situation have raised concerns among the community about ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all students.
The controversy at Atrisco Heritage Academy High School serves as a reminder of the importance of open communication between schools and parents, particularly when it comes to planning events that involve potentially controversial or sensitive content. Moving forward, it will be crucial for schools to consider the perspectives and concerns of parents, students, and community members in order to create inclusive and respectful environments. The aftermath of the drag queen performance highlights the need for clear guidelines and expectations regarding school events to prevent similar incidents in the future and ensure that all participants feel comfortable and safe.