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The author recounts his experience of being canceled by the Presbyterian Church in America (P.C.A.) after being deemed too divisive to speak at their General Assembly. He had been invited to speak on dealing with toxic polarization but faced intense attacks online and in real life, prompting the cancellation of his panel and the entire discussion. The church cited concerns about peace and unity as the reason for his removal, highlighting the divisions within the denomination.

The author and his family were longtime members of the P.C.A., finding a supportive community in their church in Tennessee. However, their lives changed with the adoption of a daughter from Ethiopia and the rise of Donald Trump in politics. The author’s opposition to Trump led to attacks from the alt-right, targeting his family with racist and threatening messages. Despite seeking support from their church, they encountered racism and hostility within the congregation, leading them to ultimately leave for a more inclusive church in Nashville.

The author’s departure from the P.C.A. was a result of experiencing firsthand the racism and extremism within the denomination, which had previously gone unnoticed. While some church members stood by them, the pervasive hatred and targeting of their children made it impossible to remain. The author’s commitment to individual liberty and pluralism clashed with the authoritarian turn in white evangelical politics, drawing further backlash from conservative Christians who viewed him as a threat to their beliefs.

The author’s invitation to speak at the General Assembly was met with controversy, with members of the denomination continuing to attack him online. The cancellation of the panel was attributed to the author’s views and his perceived role in causing division within the church. He criticizes the church for prioritizing false peace and unity over allowing diverse voices to be heard and standing up to extremist elements within the congregation.

Despite his hopes that a shared faith would preserve his place in the denomination, the author found himself no longer welcome in the church he loved. The church’s focus on race and politics over truth and grace ultimately led to his exclusion, highlighting the broader challenges facing conservative Christian communities in navigating political polarization and extremism. The author’s experience serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of allowing divisive forces to dictate the direction of religious institutions.

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