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“Late Night With The Devil” is a highly acclaimed and original horror-comedy film directed by Cameron and Colin Cairnes, starring David Dastmalchian as a struggling late-night show host named Jack Elroy. The movie follows Elroy as he tries to revive his show’s popularity after falling behind in the ratings game. Set on Halloween night in 1977, the film takes viewers on a bizarre and darkly funny journey filled with occultism, demonic possession, and a mysterious guest named Mr. Wriggles.

With a 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, “Late Night With The Devil” offers a unique blend of 1970s showbiz nostalgia and supernatural themes, creating a spooky and entertaining viewing experience. The film features a talented cast, including Laura Gordon and Ingrid Torelli, who bring the story to life with their captivating performances. The campy vintage aesthetic adds to the overall charm of the movie, transporting audiences back in time to the era of late night TV.

Fans of off-kilter horror movies and black comedy will surely appreciate the twisted and diabolical elements of “Late Night With The Devil.” The film’s premise of a struggling TV host delving into occultism for ratings success sets the stage for a series of unexpected and bizarre events that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. From psychic readings to supernatural debunking attempts, the movie is filled with surprises and dark humor that will leave audiences both frightened and entertained.

David Dastmalchian’s portrayal of Jack Elroy is a standout performance, capturing the character’s desperation and determination to regain his former glory. The Carines brothers, who wrote, directed, and edited the film, successfully create a world where reality and the supernatural intertwine, leading to a climax that is both thrilling and unexpected. The addition of a Satanic church and demonic possession adds an extra layer of intrigue to the story, keeping viewers engaged from start to finish.

“Late Night With The Devil” is now available for streaming on Shudder and AMC+, offering audiences a chance to experience one of the most original and captivating films of 2024. With its dark humor, eerie atmosphere, and stellar performances, the movie is a must-watch for horror fans looking for something different and offbeat. Whether you’re a fan of supernatural mysteries or campy 1970s aesthetics, this film is sure to leave a lasting impression and keep you entertained throughout its runtime.

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