Logan Paul and his fiancée Nina Agdal recently debuted her baby bump at a red carpet event in New York City. The couple posed for photos and shared the news that they are expecting a baby girl, with Paul expressing his excitement and love for the idea of being a “girl dad.” Initially hesitant about the idea, Paul eventually came around to the idea and is looking forward to the joys of fatherhood.
The couple announced their pregnancy on Instagram with a sweet post, featuring photos of them kissing and holding up sonogram pictures of the baby. They began dating in 2022 and got engaged in July 2023. Agdal expressed her excitement about their upcoming arrival and predicted that their daughter will be a daddy’s girl. The couple is eagerly anticipating the arrival of their baby girl and are looking forward to the journey of parenthood that lies ahead.
Paul and Agdal revealed in interviews that they recently found out their baby’s gender through a wrestling match. Despite initially wanting a boy, Paul quickly embraced the idea of being a girl dad and is now thrilled about welcoming a daughter into the world. He shared his thoughts on being a father to a girl and expressed his joy and excitement about the future. Agdal also shared her thoughts on becoming a mom and her belief that their daughter will have a special bond with her father.
They hinted at their fears and concerns about raising a teenage daughter but emphasized the joy and excitement they feel about the present and the early years of their child’s life. Paul expressed his initial worries about being a girl dad but ultimately realized the importance of enjoying the moment and focusing on the positive aspects of fatherhood. Agdal predicted that their daughter will be very close to her father and described her as a daddy’s girl in the making. The couple is embracing the journey ahead with optimism and love for their growing family.
As they prepare to welcome their baby girl in the fall, Paul and Agdal are cherishing this special time and looking forward to the next chapter of their lives as parents. They have shared their joy and excitement with their fans through social media and public appearances, expressing their gratitude for the love and support they have received. The couple’s journey to parenthood has brought them closer together and strengthened their bond, as they eagerly await the arrival of their daughter and the joys and challenges of raising a family together.