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New research from the Cleveland Clinic found an association between consuming erythritol, a sugar substitute, and an increased risk of cardiovascular events such as stroke or heart attack. Erythritol is a sugar alcohol used as a low-calorie substitute to sugar, and it had a blood-clotting effect in the study. While the study was small and does not prove causation, it is important because artificial sweeteners are often touted as a healthier option, especially for those at higher risk of heart disease. This research adds to existing studies on erythritol and cardiovascular risk and supports the World Health Organization’s advice to avoid sugar substitutes for long-term weight control.

There are three types of alternative sweeteners: artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, and novel sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners like sucralose and aspartame are much sweeter than sugar and have zero calories. Sugar alcohols are carbohydrates that occur naturally in plants or are made in labs, providing fewer calories than sugar. Novel sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit extract are difficult to categorize. These alternatives have different health benefits and risks compared to sugar, making it challenging to determine their overall impact on health.

Sugar alternatives have been shown to offer health benefits in certain situations. They may help with weight loss by reducing calorie intake and satisfying sweet cravings without raising blood sugar levels. For people with diabetes, sugar substitutes can be used to lower overall sugar and calorie intake. Additionally, sugar alternatives can contribute to improved dental health by reducing the risk of cavities caused by sugar consumption. However, sugar substitutes have potential drawbacks, such as disrupting gut health, causing digestive upset, increasing cravings for sweets, and potentially leading to long-term weight gain.

It is important to approach sugar alternatives with moderation and consider individual health conditions and preferences. The research on long-term effects of sugar substitutes is still evolving, and it is essential to make informed choices based on personal health needs. Whole foods are generally a better choice than processed foods with sugar or sugar alternatives. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine the best options for incorporating sweeteners into a balanced diet. Overall, the focus should be on making smart food choices that support overall health and well-being, while still enjoying food in a way that brings happiness and satisfaction.

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