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Seattle takes its coffee seriously, with choices in where to buy it, how to take it, and even what vessel to drink it from reflecting local norms. The new CEO of Starbucks, Brian Niccol, made a bold move from posing with burritos at Chipotle to holding a venti Starbucks cup in his corporate photo. Niccol’s go-to order at Starbucks is a hot Americano, a simple choice that stands out in contrast to the company’s complex menu offerings. This choice has likely endeared him to Starbucks employees and baristas, especially as the company has faced criticism for its overly complicated drink options in recent times.

Niccol’s coffee order of a hot Americano is a simple and straightforward choice that sets him apart from his predecessor Laxman Narasimhan, who preferred a doppio espresso macchiato with extra milk and two Splendas. By opting for a basic drink, Niccol has avoided holding up the line with a complex order and has shown that he is willing to embrace the coffee culture of Seattle. While there is speculation about Narasimhan’s departure and what role his coffee preferences may have played in it, Niccol’s easy order is likely appreciated by Starbucks staff and customers.

While Niccol’s coffee habits have been scrutinized based on a photo provided by Starbucks, the choice of a hot Americano in a venti cup has been highlighted as a positive for the new CEO. The lack of foam or latte art on Niccol’s coffee suggests a no-nonsense approach to his caffeine intake, fitting for someone who has taken on the challenge of revitalizing a struggling brand. With a lot on his plate as he takes the helm at Starbucks, Niccol’s choice of a hot Americano reflects a practical and focused attitude towards his new role.

The coffee culture in Seattle is deeply ingrained, making it important for newcomers to adapt to local norms when it comes to their coffee preferences. Niccol’s choice of a hot Americano at Starbucks fits in with the city’s coffee culture and reflects his willingness to embrace the traditions of his new home. By starting each day with a simple coffee order, Niccol has demonstrated his ability to immerse himself in the local customs and connect with both employees and customers on a more personal level.

In a city known for its diverse and intricate coffee options, Niccol’s choice of a hot Americano stands out as a refreshing change from the usual complex Starbucks orders. As he embarks on his new role as CEO of Starbucks, Niccol’s practical and straightforward approach to his coffee habits reflects his overall leadership style. By starting each day with a familiar and uncomplicated order, Niccol has made a positive impression on those around him and has shown that he is ready to tackle the challenges of revitalizing the Starbucks brand.

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