Outer Range is a sci-fi Western show on Prime Video that follows the Abbott family in Wyoming as they discover a dark void on their ranch. The first season introduced characters like Royal Abbott, his family, the neighboring Tillersons, a young woman named Autumn, and the town’s acting sheriff, Joy. Season 2 of Outer Range promises to deepen the mystery surrounding the black hole after the events of the season 2 finale. The show premiered in 2022 and has a Metacritic score of 60, making it a compelling option for viewers looking for a unique and suspenseful series.
Fans of Outer Range can look forward to the release of season 2, which consists of seven episodes that will drop all at once on May 16th. The show is available with a Prime Video subscription, but you can also watch the complete first season for free with ads using Amazon Freevee. For those interested in watching season 2 without ads, a Prime Video subscription costs $9 a month, or you can sign up for a Prime membership at $15 per month or $139 per year, which includes additional benefits. Additionally, Prime Video offers the option to remove ads for an extra $3 per month, providing a seamless viewing experience.
Prime Video has updated its streaming model in the US to include ads, but users have the choice to pay a fee to remove them, whether they have a standalone subscription or a Prime membership. This feature gives viewers greater control over their viewing experience and allows them to enjoy their favorite shows uninterrupted. If you’re a fan of sci-fi TV shows, Prime Video offers a variety of titles to choose from, making it a go-to platform for genre enthusiasts. Whether you’re into mind-bending mysteries like Outer Range or other sci-fi series, there’s something for every viewer’s taste on the streaming service.
Outer Range season 2 is highly anticipated by fans of the show, who are eager to see how the story of the Abbott family and the mysterious black hole unfolds. With the continuation of the captivating narrative and complex characters, season 2 promises to deliver more suspense, drama, and intrigue. As the show continues to explore the dark secrets of the ranch and the relationships between the characters, viewers can expect a thrilling and immersive viewing experience. If you’re looking for a compelling sci-fi series to dive into, Outer Range is a must-watch for its unique blend of Western and supernatural elements.