Netflix’s animated series Blood of Zeus has returned for a second season, receiving critical acclaim and positive audience reviews. The show, rooted in Greek mythology, follows the story of the illegitimate son of Zeus who must save heaven and earth from a vengeful goddess and her monstrous forces. Despite a less recognizable voice cast, including Derek Phillips and Claudia Christian, the series has garnered praise for its storytelling and animation quality.
The first season of Blood of Zeus had a perfect score of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes from critics, a rarity on Netflix. While audiences rated season 1 at 86%, the show still received high praise overall. With the release of season 2, audiences have also given it a perfect 100% score, further solidifying its status as a top-notch series on the streaming platform.
Netflix has seen success with its animated offerings, such as Cyberpunk Edgerunners and Arcane, as well as the popular Castlevania series. The platform may even pick up a second season of the cancelled series Scavengers Reign, with season 1 set to start streaming soon. Despite being less high-profile than other Netflix shows, Blood of Zeus has proven to be a standout choice for viewers looking for quality animated content.
Those interested in Blood of Zeus are encouraged to give it a chance, despite any initial hesitations. While some viewers may find the first season to be a slow start, the series is likely to hook them after a few episodes. With a full second season now available, viewers can dive deeper into the story and characters, with the possibility of a third season on the horizon depending on viewership numbers.
Overall, Blood of Zeus is a hidden gem in Netflix’s catalogue, offering a unique and engaging take on Greek mythology. With its high ratings and continued success, the show is worth exploring for fans of animated series and epic storytelling. Whether viewers are familiar with the source material or not, Blood of Zeus provides a fresh perspective on familiar myths, making it a must-watch for those looking for quality entertainment.