Superquiz, Monday, December 30 is currently unavailable, but readers are encouraged to check back later as efforts are being made to restore the feature. While waiting for the Superquiz to come back, readers can try the new digital version of Target Time, a popular nine-letter puzzle where players try to find as many words as they can and discover the Target word. Premium subscribers have the opportunity to test their skills in Target Time.
The Superquiz feature on December 30 is temporarily unavailable, but readers are encouraged to stay tuned for updates on when it will be restored. In the meantime, readers can challenge themselves with the new digital version of Target Time, a nine-letter puzzle where players try to find as many words as they can and discover the Target word. Premium subscribers have access to play Target Time and can compare their results with others.
Readers are notified that the Superquiz feature on December 30 is currently unavailable, but efforts are being made to bring it back soon. While waiting for the Superquiz to return, readers can enjoy the new digital version of Target Time, a nine-letter puzzle where players search for words and try to find the Target word. Premium subscribers have the opportunity to play Target Time and see how they stack up against others.
Even though the Superquiz feature is not available on December 30, readers are encouraged to check back later for updates on when it will be restored. In the meantime, readers can engage with the new digital version of Target Time, a nine-letter puzzle where players attempt to find words and discover the Target word. Premium subscribers can participate in Target Time and track their progress over time.
Despite the temporary unavailability of the Superquiz feature on December 30, readers are advised to keep an eye out for its return. While waiting for the Superquiz to come back, readers can try out the new digital version of Target Time, a challenging nine-letter puzzle where players search for words and aim to uncover the Target word. Premium subscribers have the opportunity to play Target Time and compete against others to see who can find the most words.
The Superquiz feature on December 30 is currently unavailable, but efforts are being made to restore it. In the meantime, readers can enjoy the new digital version of Target Time, a nine-letter puzzle where players try to find words and discover the Target word. Premium subscribers have access to play Target Time and can share their results with others. Readers are encouraged to check back for updates on when the Superquiz feature will be back up and running.