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House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, was questioned by a journalist about his support for the police in light of a proposed budget from the Republican Study Committee (RSC) that includes cuts in funding for local law enforcement. Johnson claimed he had not looked into the details of the RSC budget but emphasized that supporting law enforcement is a central theme of the Republican Party’s beliefs. The murder of George Floyd by a police officer in 2020 led to calls to defund the police, resulting in cuts to law enforcement in several Democratic-controlled cities. Critics have linked these cuts to an increase in violent crime in the years following the protests.

The RSC, made up of Republican members of the House of Representatives, published an alternative budget for the 2025 fiscal year that claimed to cut spending by $17.1 trillion over ten years. The proposed budget includes cuts to the Community Oriented Policing Services program, which is a main federal government support program for local police departments, although it provides only a small share of their total funding. Johnson defended the budget by stating that while it may cut some areas, it also increases support in other areas to uphold the party’s commitment to law enforcement.

During a news conference, a HuffPost reporter questioned Johnson about how the RSC’s proposed budget aligns with the party’s stance on defunding the police. Johnson responded by saying he had not looked into the details of the budget and emphasized the nuances in the proposal that also include increased support for law enforcement. He criticized Democrats for attempting to rewrite history on their support for defunding the police, citing examples of prominent Democrats who previously endorsed the movement.

A video of the reporter’s question and Johnson’s response was posted online and received significant attention. Earlier in the week, Johnson received criticism from Democratic Congressman Jim McGovern for showing support for former President Trump outside a Manhattan court where he was on trial. Johnson expressed his friendship with Trump and stated that he wanted to be there to support him, as he was not allowed to speak inside the court building.

In conclusion, House Speaker Mike Johnson faced questions about his stance on supporting law enforcement in response to a proposed budget from the Republican Study Committee that included cuts to funding for local police departments. While Johnson emphasized the party’s commitment to law enforcement, critics have raised concerns about the potential impact of these cuts on public safety. The debate over funding for law enforcement continues to be a contentious issue in American politics, with both parties presenting differing viewpoints on how best to address issues of policing and public safety.

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