The streaming service Max announced the release of a new game show called Fast Friends to honor the 30th anniversary of the beloved sitcom Friends. The show is set to have four parts and will feature trivia, puzzles, and games that will put even the most die-hard Friends fans to the test. The show will be produced by Dan Sacks, Brigette Theriault, Dan Norris, and Richard Burgio and will start production in October at New York City’s “Friends Experience: The One” activation. The quickest team in the competition will be crowned the “Ultimate Friends Fan.”
In addition to the new game show, Max will be adding bonus content to their app to honor the 30th anniversary of Friends, including specials like Friends From the Start, When Friends Become Family, and The Legacy of Friends. The show originally starred Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt Le Blanc, Matthew Perry, and David Schwimmer and aired on NBC for ten seasons from 1994 to 2004. The series celebrated the 30th anniversary of the pilot episode on September 22, but the milestone was bittersweet following the death of Matthew Perry, who played Chandler Bing on the show.
Cocreator Marta Kauffman expressed her sadness over Perry’s death, calling it a huge loss that made the 30th anniversary a little fraught. Cocreator David Crane also shared that Perry was the funniest man in the room and made them laugh every day. Courteney Cox, who played Monica Geller on Friends, reflected on the series ahead of its 30th anniversary, noting that time flies and it’s hard to believe how fast it has gone by. She mentioned that it had been a while since she watched an episode but praised the show as incredible with jokes that still hold up, amazing characters, and the best writers in the world.
Cox also expressed her gratitude that the show continues to be loved by all generations, calling herself lucky to have been a part of it. The show has left a lasting impact on pop culture and remains popular even after all these years. Fans continue to enjoy watching reruns of the show and participating in events and activities related to Friends. The legacy of Friends is undeniable, and the new game show Fast Friends is a testament to the enduring popularity of the sitcom. The 30th anniversary of Friends is a time to celebrate the impact and influence of the show on fans around the world.