A terrifying incident captured on video shows a masked man attempting to kidnap a six-year-old Hassidic Jewish boy from his father’s arms on a sidewalk in Crown Heights. The father, walking with his two sons, was able to prevent the abduction by quickly reacting and pulling his son away from the assailant. The masked man appeared to be over six feet tall and was wearing a blue and white letterman jacket. In response to the attempted kidnapping, the father punched the attacker in the stomach, causing him to flee on foot. Luckily, no injuries were reported following the incident and the investigation is ongoing.
The motive behind the attempted kidnapping remains unclear as there was no prior interaction or exchange of words between the attacker and the victims. The incident has raised concerns about the safety and security of individuals in Crown Heights, particularly within the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. A representative for Shomrim, a private police force serving NYC’s Jewish community, expressed shock over the incident and highlighted a recent rise in violent attacks in the area. The community is rattled by a series of incidents, indicating a troubling trend of unprovoked violence against residents.
The surveillance footage capturing the attempted kidnapping has sparked harsh criticism and condemnation from community leaders. Chabad PR representative Yaacov Behrman described the video as shocking and raised concerns about the escalating violence in Crown Heights. The neighborhood, which serves as a major population center for New York’s ultra-Orthodox community, has been plagued by recent incidents of violence and assaults. These incidents have left residents feeling vulnerable and anxious about their safety in their own community.
Notably, Crown Heights had previously witnessed another violent attack where a Jewish man was stabbed in the stomach by an assailant who shouted “Free Palestine” before the assault. The victim, Yechiel Dabrowskin, suffered internal bleeding as a result of the attack and the perpetrator, Vincent Sumpter, was arrested with bail set at $100,000. These incidents have heightened tensions within the community and sparked fears of further acts of violence targeting members of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. The authorities are actively investigating these incidents and no arrests have been made in connection with the attempted kidnapping.
Community leaders and representatives have called for increased vigilance and security measures to ensure the safety of residents in Crown Heights. The rise in unprovoked violent attacks has created a sense of fear and insecurity among community members, particularly within the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. Efforts are being made to address the root causes of these attacks and to promote unity and solidarity among residents. As the investigation into the attempted kidnapping continues, there is a collective effort to forge a safe and secure environment for all residents in Crown Heights. Residents are urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities to prevent further acts of violence.