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An Oklahoma man named Onyx shared his story with Newsweek about his beloved cat, Mallow, whom he rescued as a stray in April 2019. Mallow quickly became a cherished companion for Onyx, displaying affectionate and playful behavior towards him. Despite common stereotypes of cats as aloof and independent pets, research suggests that felines can form strong bonds with their human companions, similar to dogs and children. A study in the journal Current Biology found that around 65 percent of cats and kittens displayed secure attachments to their owners, demonstrating behaviors that indicated a strong bond.

Onyx’s bond with Mallow became apparent as she started to interrupt his work whenever he was at his desk, seeking attention and affection. Instead of pushing her away, Onyx decided to embrace Mallow’s presence by allowing her to perch on his shoulder while he worked. This unconventional method quickly became Mallow’s favorite spot to relax, purring contently as Onyx worked on his college projects. Onyx graduated from college recently, crediting Mallow as his source of comfort and support throughout his academic journey.

Despite the challenges of juggling schoolwork and caring for Mallow, Onyx considers her as his best friend and anchor during tough times. He fondly recalls her presence during stressful projects and research conferences, bringing a sense of calm and happiness to his life. As he embarks on a new chapter in the working world, Onyx looks forward to reciprocating the love and companionship that Mallow has provided him over the years. He plans to spoil her with cuddles and treats as a token of gratitude for the joy and comfort she has brought into his life.

Onyx’s story highlights the unique and heartwarming bond that can develop between a pet owner and their furry companion. Mallow’s dedication and affection towards Onyx showcase the special connection that can exist between humans and animals. Through their shared experiences and moments of joy, Onyx and Mallow have formed a strong friendship that has enriched both of their lives. Newsweek is dedicated to sharing stories that challenge stereotypes and celebrate the special relationships that can develop between pets and their owners, emphasizing the importance of love, companionship, and understanding across species.

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