Lisa Rinna, the 61-year-old former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star, celebrated the new year in a bold way by sharing a nude selfie on her Instagram Story. The image, which featured Rinna posing in front of a mirror and massage bed completely naked, was covered only by two star emojis and a 2025 fireworks sticker. This is not the first time Rinna has shared NSFW selfies, as she also posted a similar image at the start of 2024 with longer hair and firework gifs over her breasts. She shared the same photo in July 2023 with advice from Moira Rose’s character from Schitt’s Creek encouraging her to embrace her body and take as many naked pictures as she can.
Meanwhile, Rinna’s husband, Harry Hamlin, shared a less revealing New Year’s Eve post on Instagram, teasing a new flavor of his pasta sauce line, Harry’s Famous Sauces. In a video, he revealed that they had something special coming out in the New Year, hinting at the new sauce jar. Their daughter Amelia, 23, reposted the video on her Instagram Story, showing support for her father’s business venture. Hamlin and Rinna also have another daughter, Delilah, 26, and Hamlin has a son, Dimitri, 44, from a previous relationship. The family celebrated Christmas together, as Rinna shared a video of them dressed in matching leopard print Santa hats and Christmas pajamas.
Hamlin and Rinna’s relationship seems to be written in the stars, as something strange happened on their first date that predicted their future together. A waiter approached their table and predicted that they would get married, have children, and lead a happy life together, despite the fact that they barely knew each other at the time. The duo tied the knot in 1997 and have remained strong ever since. Hamlin attributes the success of their marriage to listening, being respectful, and being supportive of each other. Despite their strong bond, Hamlin admitted that he does not follow Rinna on social media, suggesting that her online presence can be challenging at times.
Rinna’s bold New Year’s Eve selfie is just one example of her confidence and boldness when it comes to embracing her body and sharing NSFW content online. She often uses her platform to showcase her authenticity and encourage self-love and body positivity. Her openness about her body and sexuality has garnered both praise and criticism from fans and critics alike. However, Rinna remains unapologetic about her choices and continues to share provocative content as a way of expressing herself and embracing her femininity. Her relationship with Hamlin serves as a testament to the power of love, respect, and support in maintaining a successful and lasting marriage, despite the challenges that may arise along the way.
As Rinna and Hamlin continue to navigate their personal and professional lives, they remain committed to each other and their family, supporting each other’s endeavors and celebrating each other’s successes. Their strong bond and shared values have contributed to their long-lasting relationship, proving that love and partnership can withstand the test of time. Whether it’s celebrating holidays together, launching new business ventures, or simply enjoying each other’s company, Rinna and Hamlin showcase a strong and resilient partnership founded on mutual respect, love, and understanding. Their journey together is a reminder that true love and connection can transcend obstacles and endure through the ups and downs of life.