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A lawsuit has been filed against multiple parties involved in the construction and design of UBC Okanagan’s downtown tower. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place, as well as Eight Spaces Group Inc., also known as CoLab. The claim states that negligence was present throughout the development and construction process, leading to personal injury and financial losses for those connected to the building. The plaintiffs are seeking financial compensation for costs related to lost revenue streams, relocation, shelter and storage, and damages to property.

The lawsuit alleges that the defendants, including architects and City of Kelowna employees, failed to warn residents of the risks they faced during the construction project. The plaintiffs claim to have suffered personal injury, including depression, anxiety, stress, mental anguish, and high blood pressure. They also argue that the defendants should have known that the design and construction methods used on the Doyle Avenue property would lead to damage and dangerous conditions in nearby buildings, and should have provided warnings to residents.

None of the parties involved have responded to the lawsuit, which was filed last week. The 84 residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place have been displaced since the beginning of April, due to safety concerns caused by cracks in the building. They have temporarily relocated to the new Okanagan College residence building until August 15, while UBC Properties Trust assesses the damage to the building. The plaintiffs are seeking access to the property to assess possible repairs.

UBCO spokesperson Nathan Skolski stated in an email last month that UBCO Properties Trust has extended an offer and a request through BC Housing to be granted access to Hadgraft Wilson Place to assess possible repairs. The property does not belong to UBC Properties Trust, so decisions regarding repairs are being made by BC Housing and their insurance providers. Engineering assessments have been commissioned by BC Housing and their insurers, but UBCO does not have access to the findings at this time.

Overall, the lawsuit is seeking financial compensation for the personal injuries, financial losses, and property damages suffered by the plaintiffs connected to the UBC Okanagan downtown tower construction. The plaintiffs claim that negligence from the defendants, including architects and City of Kelowna employees, led to the unsafe conditions in the nearby buildings and the displacement of the residents. UBCO Properties Trust is currently assessing the damage to the building and awaiting decisions from BC Housing and their insurance providers regarding possible repairs.

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