A beloved giant panda named Fu Bao, who has been a major attraction at the Everland theme park near Seoul, South Korea since her birth in 2020, was bid farewell by a crowd of people as she departed for China. Pandas Ai Bao and Le Bao, who came from China in 2016, were Fu Bao’s parents. China sends pandas abroad as a sign of goodwill, but maintains ownership over the animals and their cubs. Conservation efforts have saved the panda species from extinction, increasing its population from fewer than 1,000 to more than 1,800.
Despite the rain, many panda fans gathered at Everland park for a farewell ceremony for Fu Bao before she was to be flown to China. Visitors waved flags, shouted messages, and took photos as a truck carrying Fu Bao made its way through the park. Some were visibly emotional, crying and wiping away tears. Zookeeper Kang Cheol-won addressed the crowd, urging them to remember Fu Bao and not to cry too much as she departed. Fu Bao was not shown to the public on the day of her departure, with the park’s last official viewing of her being on March 3.
Fu Bao’s mother, Ai Bao, gave birth to female twin cubs last year, making them the first panda twins born in South Korea. The departure of Fu Bao marks not only the loss of a beloved attraction at Everland park, but also the end of a special chapter in the park’s history. The panda’s departure drew attention to the political significance of panda exchanges, with pandas often being given as a sign of goodwill between countries. In the case of Fu Bao, she holds special significance as the first panda born at Everland park.
The conservation efforts that have saved the panda species from extinction have been both in the wild and in captivity. The population has increased significantly over the years, from fewer than 1,000 pandas at one point to more than 1,800. Pandas have become symbolic of conservation efforts around the world, with their iconic black and white markings being instantly recognizable. Fu Bao’s departure to China highlights the importance of international cooperation in the conservation of endangered species, as countries work together to protect and preserve wildlife for future generations.
The emotional farewell ceremony for Fu Bao at Everland park demonstrated the deep connection that people have with these iconic animals. Despite the rain, panda fans came out in full force to say goodbye to Fu Bao, expressing their gratitude for the time they had spent with her and their hopes for her future in China. The legacy of Fu Bao will live on in the hearts of those who knew her, as well as in the conservation efforts that continue to protect and preserve the panda species for generations to come. Fu Bao’s departure marks the end of a chapter in Everland park’s history, but also serves as a reminder of the importance of conservation and international cooperation in the fight to save endangered species like the giant panda.