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Kansas City Chiefs defensive tackle Chris Jones has offered to cover the $1.5 million worth of chicken wings stolen by former food service director Vera Liddell in exchange for her release from prison. Liddell, who worked in the Harvey School District 152 near Chicago, was sentenced to nine years in prison for theft and operating a criminal enterprise. She stole mounds of chicken wings intended as take-home meals for students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Liddell’s job involved placing orders with Gordon Food Services, the school district’s main supplier. She ordered over 11,000 cases of chicken wings between July 2020 and February 2022, picking up the orders in a district cargo van. The fraudulent scheme was discovered in 2023 when an audit found the food service department exceeding its annual budget by $300,000 halfway through the school year. Invoices for the chicken wings raised suspicion as they contained bones and were not suitable for student consumption.

Jones made his offer to cover the stolen chicken wings in a social media post, stating, “I’ll pay for the wings that she stole to get her free.” The massive theft took place while students were learning remotely during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The school district continued to provide meals for students to pick up even though they were not physically present in schools. The discovery of the chicken wing theft operation came when the business manager found the invoices for the excessive orders.

Prosecutors revealed that Liddell’s theft operation began at a time when students were not allowed in schools and continued to provide meals for students learning remotely. The scheme involved ordering and picking up large quantities of chicken wings from the supplier, Gordon Food Services. This unusual activity raised suspicion when the food service department exceeded its budget mid-year. No response has been received from Gordon Food Services or the school district regarding the theft.

This case of the stolen chicken wings highlights the lengths to which individuals may go to commit fraud and theft. Jones’ offer to cover the cost of the stolen goods in exchange for Liddell’s release from prison has sparked debate and discussion. The impact of the theft on the school district’s budget and operations is significant, and the consequences for Liddell’s actions have resulted in a lengthy prison sentence. It remains to be seen how the situation will be resolved moving forward.

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