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Vice President Kamala Harris has agreed to debate Donald Trump’s eventual pick for his running mate. Harris accepted an invitation to debate the candidate during the summer, offering dates in July and August. Trump, on the other hand, has accepted an offer from Joe Biden to debate him in June and September. The debates are expected to be broadcast by CBS News and hosted in the network’s studios.

Trump is set to announce his vice-presidential pick during the GOP convention, which begins on July 15. He stated that he will be making the announcement in Milwaukee and that they will have a great time. The Biden campaign has expressed their anticipation for the Trump campaign to accept one of the proposed debate dates so that the full debate calendar for the campaign can be set.

The Biden-Harris campaign proposed that the first debate be held in late June, after Trump’s New York criminal trial is expected to be over and after Biden’s return from the G-7 Summit. A second presidential debate would take place in September before the start of early voting. The campaign requested that the debates occur in a TV studio with microphones that automatically cut off when a speaker’s time limit expires.

The Biden campaign also requested that the debates only involve the two candidates and the moderator, without the presence of a disruptive audience or third-party candidates like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. They are aiming to keep the focus on the two main contenders without any distractions. The risks for each side in agreeing to debate lie in the potential for missteps or gaffes that could sway public opinion in one direction or the other.

Overall, the debates between the potential vice-presidential candidates and the presidential candidates are expected to be a significant moment in the 2024 election cycle. Both sides are preparing for the debates and setting conditions for their occurrence to ensure a fair and controlled environment for the discussions. The outcome of these debates could have a major impact on the election and help voters make informed decisions about their choice for the next president and vice president of the United States.

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