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Speaker Mike Johnson has appointed two controversial figures, Representatives Scott Perry and Ronny Jackson, to the House Intelligence Committee. Perry, a former Trump ally, played a significant role in attempting to overturn the 2020 election and faced legal issues. Jackson, Trump’s former White House doctor, was accused of mistreating subordinates and other ethical violations. The decision surprised committee members and raised concerns about the panel’s bipartisan nature and access to sensitive national security information.

The appointments of Perry and Jackson by Johnson, reportedly at the urging of Trump, have sparked outrage from both Democrats and mainstream Republicans. Critics are concerned that the men’s actions and affiliations may compromise their ability to handle national security matters appropriately. Some lawmakers, such as Former Representative Adam Kinzinger and Representative Mikie Sherrill, have expressed serious reservations about the appointments, accusing Johnson of prioritizing Trump’s agenda over national security.

Perry was actively involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and played a role in pressuring Vice President Mike Pence to reject electoral votes. He also supported the idea of encouraging supporters to march to the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Jackson, who remained close to Trump after his time as White House physician, faced allegations of professional misconduct and misuse of campaign funds. Despite these issues, he has lobbied for a position on the intelligence committee for years.

In response to his appointment, Perry promised to provide oversight of the intelligence community and prevent abuses of power, resources, and authority. Jackson emphasized the importance of countering threats to national security and restoring trust in the intelligence community. The two men will replace former Representatives Mike Gallagher and Chris Stewart, both mainstream Republicans who left Congress during a tumultuous period.

The House Intelligence Committee, led by Chairman Michael R. Turner and top Democrat Jim Himes, has worked to restore its bipartisan reputation in recent years. However, the appointment of Perry and Jackson has raised concerns about the panel’s ability to function effectively. Lawmakers fear that officials in the intelligence community may limit the information they share with Congress in response to the controversial appointments.

Overall, Speaker Johnson’s decision to appoint Perry and Jackson to the House Intelligence Committee has generated significant backlash from lawmakers across the political spectrum. Critics are troubled by the ethical and legal issues surrounding both men and worry about the potential impact on national security. The move has raised questions about the committee’s bipartisan credibility and its access to sensitive information moving forward.

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