John Mulaney and his wife Olivia Munn recently welcomed their second child, Méi June Mulaney, via surrogate. The couple shared the news on social media, with Mulaney posting a video and photos of their new baby. Méi June was born on September 14, 2024, which is the year of the dragon in Chinese astrology. Munn shared her emotional journey of not being able to carry her daughter and thanked their gestational surrogate for bringing their dreams to life.
Munn, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2023 and underwent multiple surgeries, expressed her gratitude towards Mulaney for his support during her treatment. In a heartfelt post on Instagram, she shared how Mulaney researched her treatments, was with her before and after every surgery, and always made sure she saw a photo of their son Malcolm when she woke up. Mulaney also left a sweet comment on her post, showing his love and support for his wife and their family.
The couple’s joy in welcoming their new baby comes after a challenging time for Munn with her cancer diagnosis and treatment. Despite the hurdles they faced, Munn and Mulaney have come out stronger as a couple and as parents. Their journey of becoming parents through surrogacy has brought them immense happiness and fulfillment, as they embrace their role as parents to two young children.
Mulaney’s post celebrating the birth of Méi June came shortly after Munn shared the news on her own social media. The couple’s shared happiness at becoming parents again is evident in their posts, where they express their love and gratitude for their new daughter. The name Méi, meaning plum in Chinese, holds special significance for the couple as they welcome their baby girl into their family.
The couple’s journey to parenthood has been filled with challenges and triumphs, from Munn’s cancer diagnosis to their decision to have their children via surrogacy. Through it all, Mulaney and Munn have shown resilience, strength, and unwavering love for each other and their children. As they navigate the ups and downs of parenthood, they continue to support each other and cherish the moments they have with their growing family.
Mulaney’s post capturing the first moments with their new baby Méi June reflects the joy and love he feels as a father. The photos and video shared on social media give a glimpse into their growing family and the bond they share with their children. As they embark on this new chapter together, Mulaney and Munn look forward to creating lasting memories and watching their children grow and thrive in a loving and supportive environment.