Joey Graziadei and Kelsey Anderson, known from The Bachelor, attended The Masters Tournament together, sharing photos on Instagram of their color-coordinated outfits and fun-filled day. The couple, along with other friends, enjoyed the tournament in Augusta, Georgia, with Graziadei joking about spending all his money on merchandise. Anderson expressed her excitement for the event on Instagram, calling Graziadei her “arm caddy” and showing off her Masters badge in a photo.
Their appearance at The Masters Tournament came shortly after Graziadei proposed to Anderson during the finale of The Bachelor season 28, where he expressed his love for her and praised her infectious energy. The proposal came after a tense moment where Anderson and runner-up Daisy Kent rode together to the proposal, causing a stir among Bachelor Nation fans. However, the couple revealed their engagement to Us Weekly and expressed their excitement to take their relationship public.
Graziadei and Anderson shared their plans to spend time in Anderson’s hometown of New Orleans before moving to New York City in the summer. Anderson expressed her excitement about experiencing the city, inspired by early 2000s rom-coms, and Graziadei supported her decision to explore and see if New York City was the right fit for them. The couple emphasized their eagerness to spend more time together and enjoy the little things in life as they embark on this new chapter in their relationship.
The couple’s attendance at The Masters Tournament showcased their love and commitment to each other, with Graziadei and Anderson enjoying the event with friends in stylish outfits. After their engagement on The Bachelor, they are looking forward to sharing their romance with the public and spending quality time together. With plans to explore New Orleans and New York City, Graziadei and Anderson are excited about the future and the adventures that await them as they continue to build their relationship.