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President Joe Biden’s handling of the conflict between Israel and Hamas is under scrutiny, especially among college students. Protests on college campuses have erupted in response to the high death toll in Gaza, with many students questioning Biden’s support for Israel amid the ongoing violence. A new poll conducted by College Pulse suggests that Biden’s response to the conflict could impact how college students vote in the upcoming presidential election. While Biden holds a lead over former President Donald Trump among college students, his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict could sway some voters.

Biden has positioned himself as a supporter of Israel, while also calling for restraint and the protection of civilians in Gaza. Recent actions, such as halting bombs shipments that could be used in a ground assault, suggest a nuanced approach to the conflict. The poll found that Biden’s response to the conflict could influence the voting decisions of some college students, with 37 percent of respondents indicating they may consider changing their vote based on his actions. While most students will not be swayed, there is a notable percentage who are willing to reconsider their support for Biden.

Some experts believe that Biden may have more to lose in the conflict due to his position as the sitting president responsible for U.S. policy on Israel. Younger voters, who tend to lean liberal, could have a significant impact on the election outcome. The survey conducted by College Pulse revealed that Biden may risk losing some college students’ votes to Trump over his stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict. Additionally, a considerable percentage of respondents expressed a possibility of not voting at all in response to Biden’s actions.

College-aged voters often have idealistic views on politics and expect alignment on key issues from their chosen candidate. Biden’s challenge lies in balancing support for Israel with voter expectations, especially among younger, more progressive voters. With concerns over potential voter turnout among college students, Democrats may face challenges in mobilizing this crucial voting bloc in the upcoming election. The outcome of the election could hinge on how Biden navigates the delicate balance between support for Israel and the concerns of college students regarding the conflict with Hamas.

While the Israel-Hamas conflict may not be the most critical issue for all young voters, it has the potential to impact voter turnout and ultimately, the election results. Democrats will need to consider the preferences and concerns of pro-Palestinian voters, as well as other minority groups and marginalized communities affected by the conflict, in order to secure crucial votes in swing states. As the election draws closer, shifts in voter support could be significant, particularly among college students who may change their voting decisions based on evolving events, candidate platforms, and other variables. College students could play a decisive role in determining the outcome of the election, making Biden’s response to the Israel-Hamas conflict a crucial factor in winning their support.

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