Jessica Gunning, who portrays Martha in the Netflix series Baby Reindeer, discusses the unexpected success of the show and her emotional connection to her character. Gunning felt drawn to Martha’s complexity and found truth in her flaws, steering clear of portraying her as a simple villain. She highlights the nuances in Richard Gadd’s writing and the multifaceted nature of Martha’s character, aiming to emphasize all of her truthful moments.
Gunning reflects on the intense filming process and the challenge of disconnecting from Martha after the show wrapped. She values spending time with family and friends to decompress and ground herself back in reality. Despite previously rolling her eyes at actors claiming to struggle with shaking a character, Gunning confesses that Martha’s story was so confusing that it did take her awhile to move on from it.
One of the highlights of Gunning’s experience with Baby Reindeer has been the impact it has had on viewers, particularly male survivors of sexual assault. Gadd revealed that a charity he works with has seen a significant increase in email referrals since the show’s release, with many citing Baby Reindeer as the reason they reached out. Gunning feels privileged to be a part of a project that is changing lives and making people feel seen and supported.
Looking ahead, Gunning is open to any type of project that comes her way, having enjoyed a mix of comedic and dramatic roles throughout her career. She also has a passion for theater and storytelling, and is drawn to complicated characters and messy, realistic narratives. She is excited for what the future holds and eager to see what interesting roles and stories she can be a part of next.
Overall, Gunning expresses gratitude for being a part of Baby Reindeer and the positive impact it has had on viewers. She values the opportunity to portray a complex character like Martha and hopes to continue working on projects that challenge and inspire her. As she looks towards the future, Gunning remains open to new opportunities and is excited to see where her career takes her next.