After her breakout role in Netflix’s Wednesday, Jenna Ortega has become known for her unique red carpet style. From her Thom Browne Victoriana look at the Met Gala to her ’90s Versace leather dress at the SAG Awards, Ortega has made a name for herself as a fashion force to be reckoned with. Now, with her new film Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, where she plays goth girl Astrid Deetz, Ortega’s moody aesthetic is set to stay, with a romantic twist. While she may not take method dressing to the extreme, her fashion choices continue to impress.
For the Mexico stop of the Beetlejuice press tour, Ortega wowed in a nude tulle gown from Vivienne Westwood’s spring 2009 collection, featuring black Latex detailing. This vintage Westwood gown was a fitting choice for the rising star, as it is seen as a “rite of passage” for those establishing themselves in Hollywood. Ortega’s stylist Enrique Melendez, who has worked with her since she was 14, has been instrumental in crafting her red carpet looks and is sure to have more in store for the upcoming events on the promo tour.
As the Beetlejuice promo tour kicks off, fans and fashionistas alike are eagerly anticipating what Ortega will wear next. With her stylist by her side, the possibilities are endless. Could Ortega possibly borrow an archival gem from her co-star Winona Ryder’s wardrobe? The excitement and anticipation are building as Ortega continues to make waves in the fashion world. Her unique sense of style has garnered her attention and praise, and with each red carpet appearance, she solidifies her status as a style icon in the making.
Ortega’s ability to effortlessly blend classic and cutting-edge fashion elements has set her apart from her peers in Hollywood. Her willingness to take risks and push the boundaries of traditional red carpet dressing has made her a standout on the fashion scene. As she continues to promote Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and make appearances on the red carpet, Ortega’s star power and fashion influence are sure to grow even stronger. With her eye-catching style and bold fashion choices, Ortega is poised to make a lasting impact on the industry.
With each red carpet appearance, Ortega showcases her versatility and fashion sense, captivating audiences and critics alike. Her ability to seamlessly transition between different styles and aesthetics is a testament to her fashion expertise and understanding of the industry. As Ortega continues to evolve and experiment with her fashion choices, she is sure to remain a prominent figure in the world of celebrity style. From vintage gowns to modern ensembles, Ortega’s fashion journey is one to watch as she cements her status as a rising star in Hollywood and the fashion world.