Bunnie XO, the wife of country music star Jelly Roll, recently faced criticism online after sharing a video of herself meeting her “hall pass” crush, Chris “Motionless” Cerulli. In the video, set to the song “The Power of Love” by Céline Dion, Bunnie can be seen shaking hands with the rocker backstage at one of his shows, leading to speculation and negative comments from some viewers. However, Bunnie responded to the backlash by shutting down the criticism and emphasizing her strong relationship with Jelly Roll, stating that he is her best friend and the love of her life.
Despite the negativity she faced online, Bunnie remained resilient and shared her thoughts on social media, expressing her disappointment in those who were offended by her video. She urged people to be comfortable in their own skin and not to be insecure about their relationships, emphasizing the importance of having a strong bond with a partner. Jelly Roll even joined in on the joke, showing his support for Bunnie and their playful dynamic as a couple.
In addition to the criticism she received for the video, Bunnie also revealed that Jelly Roll had decided to quit social media due to being bullied about his weight. This decision underscores the impact of cyberbullying and the toll it can take on individuals, even those in the public eye. Despite being known for his music and larger-than-life persona, Jelly Roll’s wife’s transparency about the struggles they have faced online sheds light on the challenges of dealing with negativity in the digital sphere.
By standing up to the critics and refusing to let their comments affect her, Bunnie exemplifies a strong sense of self-confidence and self-assurance. Her ability to brush off negativity and focus on the love and support she shares with her husband demonstrates resilience and strength in the face of adversity. Rather than allowing the online backlash to deter her, Bunnie remains steadfast in her commitment to her relationship and her own sense of self-worth, serving as an inspiration to others facing similar challenges in the digital age.