Erik Estrada, best known for his role in “CHiPs,” is set to release the second season of his show “Divine Renovation,” where faith plays a significant role in both his career and personal life. The show, which premiered in 2023, features Estrada as the host and focuses on helping families in need by working with nonprofits, houses of worship, local businesses, and neighbors. The concept of the show was pitched to Estrada by executive producer Monty Hobbs, who wanted to create a feel-good program that focused on doing good in the community without being overly religious.
One of the main goals of “Divine Renovation” is to provide essential items to those in need who cannot afford them. By partnering with local businesses, such as appliance stores, the show is able to solicit donations that will benefit both the recipient of the renovation and the business itself in the long run. Estrada emphasized the importance of helping those who cannot help themselves, stating that it brings a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to be able to make a positive impact on someone’s life. The show takes a compassionate and practical approach to assisting individuals and communities in need.
For Estrada, faith is a guiding force that helps him navigate tough times, including his work as an undercover law enforcement officer targeting child sexual predators. He discussed how he connects to his Christian faith through prayer, asking for forgiveness and assistance from God when faced with challenges. By acknowledging his mistakes and seeking guidance, Estrada finds comfort and strength in his spirituality. The show “Divine Renovation” also aims to explore and showcase the positive impact of faith in action, highlighting the importance of helping others and giving back to the community.
In the upcoming season of “Divine Renovation,” the show will feature visits to organizations such as Friends in Service to Humanity (FISH), a shelter and food pantry in Torrington, Connecticut. The team installed a new floor, made home improvements, and erected a flagpole for the veterans living at the shelter, demonstrating the tangible impact of their work. Estrada expressed his belief that helping these organizations is not only beneficial for those receiving assistance but also serves as a source of personal enrichment and fulfillment. By engaging with communities and lending a helping hand, the show promotes the values of compassion, generosity, and service to others.
Estrada’s background in faith-based films, such as “Finding Faith,” “Virtuous,” and “Uncommon,” has influenced his involvement in “Divine Renovation” and his overall approach to incorporating spirituality into his work. The show combines the success of home improvement shows with a spiritual element, creating a unique platform to showcase acts of kindness and generosity. Estrada emphasized that the show aims to make a positive impact on individuals of all backgrounds and walks of life, focusing on providing essential resources and support to those in need. By working with a diverse range of partners and organizations, “Divine Renovation” fosters a sense of community and goodwill.
In conclusion, Erik Estrada’s show “Divine Renovation” embodies the core values of faith, kindness, and service to others, highlighting the importance of giving back and making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Through his hosting duties, Estrada aims to promote a message of compassion and solidarity, encouraging viewers to engage with their communities and support those in need. By combining his faith with his passion for helping others, Estrada sets an example of how spirituality can inspire acts of generosity and empathy. The upcoming second season of “Divine Renovation” promises to continue spreading messages of hope, love, and faith through uplifting and transformative stories of assistance and support.