Disney’s latest animated film, Wish, premiered in theaters in November 2023 and made its streaming debut on Disney Plus on April 3. The film follows a 17-year-old girl named Asha, voiced by Ariana DeBose, as she uncovers a dark secret about her land’s ruler, Magnifico, voiced by Chris Pine. Other actors in the voice cast include Angelique Cabral, Victor Garber, Natasha Rothwell, Jennifer Kumiyama, Harvey Guillén, and Evan Peters. The film features original songs by songwriters Julia Michaels and Benjamin Rice, as well as an original score by Dave Metzger, including tracks like “Welcome To Rosas,” “I’m a Star,” and “A Wish Worth Making.”
One question viewers may have while watching Wish is whether Chris Pine is really singing in the film. The answer is yes, Pine’s singing voice is featured in the movie. Pine, known for his role as Cinderella’s Prince Charming in the movie adaptation of Into the Woods, previously expressed his fear of singing again. However, he took on the challenge and showcased his vocal talents in Wish. Pine described the songs in the film as unique, with a Sondheim-esque quality that is plot-driven and emotionally driven, rather than just a pretty melody.
Pine admitted to feeling nervous about singing opposite Broadway performer Ariana DeBose, who plays Asha in Wish. DeBose, known for her roles in musicals like Bring It On: The Musical and Hamilton, praised Pine’s singing abilities, calling him talented and praising his portrayal of the film’s villain. She highlighted Pine’s voice and the way he brings the character of Magnifico to life, saying that he is a delicious villain that viewers will love to hate. Despite his initial doubts, Pine’s singing in Wish won over his co-star and audiences alike.
The film’s original songs, written by Julia Michaels and Benjamin Rice, add to the storytelling and emotion of Wish. Pine shared that Michaels deliberately played against the dominant melody line in the songs, similar to the style of Broadway legend Stephen Sondheim. Pine reflected on an experience with Sondheim during the recording of Into the Woods, where the composer corrected his note during a recording session. This moment exemplified Pine’s fear of singing but also his dedication to the craft.
Wish is now available for streaming on Disney+, allowing viewers to experience the unique storytelling and music of the film. With a talented voice cast led by Chris Pine and Ariana DeBose, Wish brings a magical and emotional story to life on screen. Pine’s singing in the film showcases his versatility as an actor, while DeBose’s praise for his performance highlights the talent and camaraderie of the cast. As audiences enjoy the songs and story of Wish, they can appreciate the hard work and dedication that went into bringing the animated film to life.