The story of Robert Farquharson is one that revolves around a central issue that the public and media struggled to accept about him. This issue was his behavior during and after a tragic accident involving his car and his three sons. Farquharson’s actions on that night were so unsettling and outside the norm for a father that police, as well as the community, immediately began to suspect him of foul play. This behavior became the sixth strand of evidence against him in the investigation.
More than just the technical details of the crash or the medical condition known as cough syncope, it was Farquharson’s own actions that raised suspicions and turned people against him. The emotional impact of watching the car sink, coupled with witness testimonies, further fueled the belief that he was responsible for his sons’ deaths. His behavior during the formal police interview also focused heavily on his actions that night, indicating that they were a key point of interest.
Despite the overwhelming evidence pointing towards Farquharson’s guilt, the question remains whether his behavior alone is enough to conclusively prove that he murdered his sons. Is there another explanation for his actions that night? This is a central theme that the podcast series explores, delving into Farquharson’s mindset and motivations in an attempt to understand the truth behind his unsettling behavior.
For those new to the podcast series, it is recommended to catch up on previous episodes to gain a full understanding of the case and the various strands of evidence against Farquharson. By examining his behavior, the technical aspects of the crash, and the emotional impact on those involved, a more comprehensive picture of the events leading up to the tragedy begins to emerge. Through a detailed analysis of the facts at hand, listeners are encouraged to consider all angles before drawing any conclusions about Farquharson’s guilt or innocence.