Qualcomm and Microsoft are renewing their effort to bring Windows to Arm/Snapdragon mobile chips with the CoPilot Plus PCs. The new lineup features the Snapdragon X Elite or Plus processors, promising improved performance and AI capabilities. These chips offer impressive specs with advanced features such as dedicated NPUs for AI tasks. The use of NPUs enables local AI applications, enhancing productivity and security for users and enterprises. Qualcomm has partnered with Microsoft to ensure the security and deployment tools are available for these new laptops.
The new laptops with CoPilot Plus PCs offer a range of features, including USB 4 ports, Wi-Fi 7 connectivity, and up to 64GB of RAM. The laptops can support high-resolution displays and multiple external monitors, making them suitable for various tasks. Battery life claims vary among different models, ranging from 12 to 22 hours. HP, Lenovo, and Acer are among the manufacturers launching laptops with CoPilot Plus PCs, each offering unique branding and design tweaks. HP introduces the OmniBook X and EliteBook Ultra G1q, while Lenovo offers the Yoga Slim 7x 14 Gen 9 and the ThinkPad T14s Gen 6, and Acer presents the Swift 14 AI.
HP has rebranded its consumer and business laptop lines, incorporating AI features with new branding and design elements. The laptops from HP come with impressive specs, such as 16-32GB RAM, Adreno graphics, and Hexagon NPUs rated for up to 45 TOPS. Lenovo stands out for offering the lightest laptops with high-quality displays, including a 90Hz OLED screen on the Yoga Slim 7x 14 Gen 9. Acer introduces the Swift 14 AI, which offers a Snapdragon X Plus option in addition to the Elite, making it the most affordable option among the three manufacturers. The Swift 14 AI features a 14.5-inch display, 32GB RAM, and dedicated AI hardware.
Overall, the CoPilot Plus PCs powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite or Plus processors aim to deliver improved performance and AI capabilities in a range of new laptops from HP, Lenovo, and Acer. These laptops offer a mix of features and design elements to cater to different users’ needs, from high-quality displays to advanced connectivity options. With the inclusion of dedicated NPUs for AI tasks, users can expect enhanced productivity and security features on these new devices. The collaboration between Qualcomm and Microsoft signals a renewed effort to establish Windows on Arm/Snapdragon mobile chips as a viable option for consumers and enterprises seeking innovative computing solutions.