In a series titled “Short Questions with Dana Perino,” Fox News personalities have been sharing personal insights and stories off-camera. This week, the spotlight is on Kerri Kupec Urbahn, legal editor for Fox News. Prior to her work in media, she held positions at the Department of Justice and Alliance Defending Freedom. Kupec Urbahn emphasizes the importance of making stars of others and possessing key skills like good gut instinct, attention to detail, and integrity for success in the legal profession. She advises those considering law school to want to practice law and gain practical experience before committing to further studies.
Kupec Urbahn recommends clerking for a judge to develop critical thinking skills that are valuable in legal professions. She shares that working for a smart judge was instrumental in honing her abilities and preparing her for her current role as legal editor at Fox News. Despite feeling like a square peg in a round hole during her clerkship, Kupec Urbahn acknowledges the importance of the skills she acquired in shaping her future career. She advises those feeling unsure about their career path in law to gain practical experience first before deciding on their next steps.
When asked about her favorite amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Kupec Urbahn expresses a newfound appreciation for the 5th and 6th Amendments, emphasizing the importance of due process for real justice. Moving away from law, she shares her three all-time favorite feel-good movies for a movie marathon along with her go-to snacks. Kupec Urbahn also talks about her current read, “The Paris Novel” by Ruth Reichl, highlighting the enjoyment she finds in reading for fun. She concludes by sharing her picks for a dinner party with three U.S. presidents and reflects on the importance of healthy confidence in navigating professional settings.
The series “Short Questions with Dana Perino” has featured a diverse range of Fox News personalities, providing insights into their personal backgrounds and perspectives. The interviews offer a glimpse into the lives of these individuals outside of their on-screen roles, showcasing their interests, advice, and experiences. Kupec Urbahn’s interview sheds light on her journey in the legal profession, the skills she values for success, and her favorite aspects of reading and movies. Her candid responses offer valuable insights for those considering a career in law or seeking advice on navigating professional challenges and personal growth.