This Saturday is 420, a day celebrated by cannabis enthusiasts in 41 states where marijuana is legal for either recreational or medical use. It is considered a green letter day on the cannabis calendar, akin to boozy holidays like St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco De Mayo. Celebrities like Ric Flair and Mike Tyson, who have their own cannabis brands, will be celebrating by promoting their products at various events. However, regular consumers can also partake in the festivities by taking advantage of specials at dispensaries or hosting their own celebrations.
Lauren Fontein, founder of The Artist Tree, a chain of cannabis stores in California, is planning to offer a range of activities at her West Hollywood location for 420. This includes a hosted dab bar, a bong bar, a tie-dye station, and a live performance from the cast and producers of “Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical.” Autumn Shelton of Autumn Brands notes that 420 is typically a restocking holiday for consumers, where they replenish their stash with old favorites and explore new products. This year, 420 falling on a palindrome date has added an extra layer of excitement for some individuals.
Despite the progress made in the legal cannabis industry since 2012, there are still challenges that the sector faces today. Jessica Benchetrit of Green Thumb Industries highlights the issue of a thriving illicit market in the absence of proper medical or adult-use programs. This not only impacts product quality but also hinders public awareness of the medicinal benefits of cannabis. Furthermore, there is frustration among industry insiders regarding the lack of movement in federal marijuana laws reform. Initiatives like the SAFE Banking Act and rescheduling efforts have been discussed for over a decade without substantial progress.
Caleb Counts, the CEO of Connected Cannabis, emphasizes the need for state and federal representatives to ensure the safety, regulation, and fair taxation of cannabis. He also advocates for opening up business opportunities that are currently restricted, such as selling cannabis products across state lines. However, despite the evolving laws and behaviors around cannabis, some traditions remain consistent on 420. Christopher Louie of Made In Xiaolin notes that smoking copious amounts of flower continues to be a prominent trend on the holiday. Overall, 420 represents a day of camaraderie, celebration, and exploration in the cannabis community.