In a shocking incident, an innocent man named Jamie Rodgers was arrested at gunpoint by California police due to a clerical error made by a car dealership. The Orange County Sheriff’s Department received reports that Rodgers had stolen a vehicle from Car Pros Kia Huntington Beach and was considered “armed and dangerous.” Dash cam footage shows Rodgers with his hands in the air as officers armed with rifles and pistols approach him. Rodgers, who had been loaned the vehicle by the dealership while his own car was being repaired, expressed his fear during the ordeal, stating he thought he was going to die with assault rifles pointed at him.
The mix-up occurred when the dealership lost track of the paperwork for the loaned vehicle, causing them to report it as stolen. The sheet of paper containing the necessary information had fallen behind a filing cabinet, leading to confusion. When the dealership received a bill for unpaid tolls, they assumed the car had been stolen. Rodgers described the arrest on the 73 freeway as a terrifying experience, with his heart pounding and palms sweating. Thankfully, after about 10 minutes, deputies realized that the car was not stolen, but by that point, Rodgers had already been handcuffed.
In response to the incident, Rodgers has filed a lawsuit against the car dealership, citing negligence and reckless behavior on their part. The situation caused him to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and ultimately led him to resign from his position as an athletic trainer at a high school. His attorney, Scott Harlan, explained that the traumatic event forced Rodgers to change careers and reinvent himself due to the lasting impact it had on him. Harlan also emphasized the potential danger of such situations, where an unintentional body movement could result in fatal consequences.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Car Pros Kia Huntington Beach, and Rodgers’ attorney were not available for comment at the time of the report. The case highlights the importance of accurate record-keeping and communication in preventing such errors that can have significant consequences for individuals. The incident serves as a reminder of the need for thorough processes and accountability in the handling of sensitive information, especially when it involves law enforcement and public safety. It also sheds light on the lasting impact that traumatic events can have on individuals and the importance of seeking support and justice when faced with such situations.