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Netflix is premiering a new darkly comedic thriller, Bodkin, on May 9. The seven-episode series follows a group of true crime podcasters investigating the disappearance of three strangers in the fictitious Irish town of Bodkin. Located in West Cork, the town has a tight-knit community harboring dark secrets that they are not keen on outsiders uncovering.

The podcasters, played by Will Forte, Siobhán Cullen, and Robyn Cara, are intrigued by the mysterious events that occurred during the Samhain Festival 20 years ago. As they delve deeper into the town’s past, they uncover a web of secrets and mysteries that may be more than they bargained for. The series promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats while weaving a comedic narrative through the investigative process.

Forte’s character, Gilbert, is a podcaster with Irish roots seeking to revive his career with a compelling story. Cullen plays a tough investigative journalist named Dove, while Cara portrays a funny and eager researcher named Emmy. Together, they navigate the intricacies of Bodkin’s dark history while dealing with their own personal and professional struggles.

The series features a cast of intriguing characters, including Seamus Gallagher, played by David Wilmot, a local with a mysterious past, and Seán O’Shea, portrayed by Chris Walley, a country lad involved in shady dealings. The interactions between the podcasters and the townspeople add another layer of complexity to the unfolding mystery.

Bodkin is created and executive produced by Jez Scharf, in collaboration with co-showrunner Alex Metcalf. Produced by Barack and Michelle Obama’s Higher Ground production company, the series delves into the world of true crime podcasts and the blurred lines between truth and fiction. The creators aim to entertain viewers with a mix of comedy, mystery, and drama set against the backdrop of a quaint yet sinister Irish town.

With a mix of intriguing characters, gripping mysteries, and dark humor, Bodkin promises to be an exciting addition to Netflix’s lineup. As the podcasters uncover the truth about Bodkin’s past, they also confront their own personal truths, revealing that life is not always as black and white as it seems. Viewers can expect a thrilling and entertaining ride as they dive into the world of Bodkin and its secrets.

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