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Last week, torrential rains in northern Vietnam caused rivers to overflow their banks, leaving hundreds of people living submerged in floodwater in the suburbs of Hanoi. One such area affected is Ben Voi village, located approximately 40km from central Hanoi. Residents of the village are navigating the streets by boat, with many homes partially inundated by muddy water. Tran Thi Ly, a 70-year-old convenience store owner, shared her struggles with AFP, expressing that she cannot go anywhere and her neighbors are finding it difficult to access her shop. Ly waded through almost knee-high water to keep her food supplies dry, moving items such as instant noodles and soft drinks onto higher shelves to prevent them from being damaged by the floodwaters.

The situation in Ben Voi village is dire, with many residents facing challenges as they live in homes surrounded by dirty floodwater. Ly’s furniture, along with the furniture of many others in the area, is submerged in the water, adding to the difficulty of daily living. The ongoing flooding has made it nearly impossible for residents to conduct their usual activities, such as running a convenience store or accessing basic necessities. The inundation of the village by floodwaters has not only affected the livelihoods of residents but has also disrupted their daily routines and access to essential goods and services.

Despite the challenges they are facing, residents of Ben Voi village are banding together to support each other and navigate through the difficult circumstances brought on by the flooding. Neighbors are working together to help each other out, with some offering assistance in moving essential items to higher ground or ensuring that those in need have access to food and supplies. The sense of community spirit and resilience among residents is evident as they come together to overcome the hardships caused by the flooding. While the situation is undoubtedly difficult, the support and solidarity shown by the villagers are helping to make the situation more bearable for those affected by the floods.

Local authorities and relief agencies are working to provide assistance to those affected by the flooding in Ben Voi village and other areas in northern Vietnam. Efforts are being made to evacuate residents from the most severely affected areas and provide them with access to shelter, food, and essential supplies. Rescue teams are on the ground, helping to ensure the safety of residents and offering support in the form of relief efforts. The collaboration between local authorities, relief agencies, and community members is essential in ensuring that those impacted by the flooding receive the assistance they need to recover and rebuild in the aftermath of the natural disaster.

The flooding in the suburbs of Hanoi serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of communities to natural disasters and the importance of preparedness and response efforts in addressing such crises. The impact of the floods extends beyond the immediate physical damage caused by the inundation, affecting the livelihoods, well-being, and resilience of residents in the affected areas. Moving forward, it is crucial for authorities, relief agencies, and community members to continue working together to address the immediate needs of those impacted by the flooding while also implementing measures to mitigate the risks of future disasters. By fostering a collaborative and proactive approach to disaster response and recovery, communities can build resilience and better prepare for and respond to similar challenges in the future.

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