Kung Fu Panda 4, the latest animated film starring Jack Black, has been released on select digital platforms for streaming. The movie marks the return of Black’s martial arts expert Panda Bear Po in his first big screen adventure since 2016’s Kung Fu Panda 3. With a successful box office run, Kung Fu Panda 4 has earned over $417 million worldwide so far.
While Universal Pictures has not yet set a “free” streaming date for Kung Fu Panda 4 on their streaming service Peacock, the film is currently available to rent on platforms such as Prime Video, AppleTV+, and VUDU for $19.99. A digital copy of the film can also be purchased on the same platforms for $29.99. This gives viewers the option to enjoy the movie at their convenience.
The plot of Kung Fu Panda 4 revolves around Po, who is informed by his Kung Fu teacher, Master Shifu, that he needs to find and train a new Dragon Warrior to become the new Spiritual Leader of the Valley of Peace. However, a new enemy called The Chameleon emerges, posing a threat to Po’s plans. With the help of a sly fox named Zhen, Po must confront the Chameleon and stop her from gaining the Kung Fu skills of his previous enemies.
Despite receiving the lowest rating from Rotten Tomatoes critics among the Kung Fu Panda films, Kung Fu Panda 4 has been well-received by audiences with an 86% positive rating based on over 1,000 verified ratings. The franchise as a whole has been a hit with critics and viewers, with the original film earning an 87% rating, the second film earning an 86% rating, and the third film earning an 81% rating.
Overall, Kung Fu Panda 4 has continued the success of the franchise, combining engaging storytelling with comedic elements that have resonated with fans. With strong box office earnings and positive audience reception, the film offers a fun and entertaining experience for viewers of all ages. As the digital release of Kung Fu Panda 4 continues to attract audiences, it is clear that the lovable character of Po and his adventures in Kung Fu will remain popular for years to come.