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This week’s Strands puzzle in Forbes presents a challenge for players, with a focus on finding words that are all titles you would call someone. The game involves finding a group of words that have something in common, as well as a special word known as a spangram which links two opposite sides of the board. In addition to the theme words, players must discover the spangram and ensure that every letter is used once in one of the words. If players unlock three valid words of at least four letters that are not part of the theme, they can access a hint button to help them solve the puzzle.

The official hint for this week’s Strands puzzle is “Call Me?” which refers to titles that you would use to address someone. Additionally, a suggested hint from the writer is “Honorifics,” further emphasizing the theme of titles in this week’s puzzle. The spangram for this week is “TITLES,” with the answers including words such as REVEREND, QUEEN, SENATOR, PROFESSOR, DOCTOR, and ADMIRAL. The challenge of this puzzle led the writer to use outside resources to solve it, indicating the difficulty level for players.

The writer found this week’s Strands puzzle particularly challenging, requiring additional hints to uncover words like QUEEN, DOCTOR, SENATOR, PROFESSOR, and REVEREND. The final word, ADMIRAL, proved especially difficult and prompted the writer to resort to unscrambling the letters in order to find the solution. Despite the difficulty faced by the writer, the puzzle offers an engaging challenge for players, testing their ability to find words related to a common theme while considering synonyms and homophones.

Players are encouraged to share their experiences and thoughts on this week’s Strands puzzle in the comments, reflecting on the level of difficulty and the satisfaction of solving the challenge. As the game continues to evolve and present different themes each day, players can expect surprises and varying levels of difficulty to keep them engaged and entertained. With the opportunity to unlock hints and discover theme words, players can enhance their word search skills and enjoy the daily puzzle provided by Strands at Forbes. Follow the writer on social media for updates on their work and recommendations for books in the sci-fi genre.

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