Today’s Wordle answer for Sunday, April 7, is LASER. This word begins with the letter L and contains no repeated letters. It is an acronym that stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” If you have a tattoo you no longer like, you might turn to this word to remove it. Previous Wordle answers include SERUM, PLAIT, CLIMB, WRIST, and FINCH. If you need help with Wordle, you can use various tips and strategies to improve your guessing.
Wordle is a popular online word puzzle game where players have six chances to guess a five-letter word. The game provides feedback to let players know if the letters they guessed are in the word and if they are in the correct spot. The game was created by Josh Wardle for his partner, and The New York Times bought it in 2022. There are other games available in the Times Games stable, including Connections and Spelling Bee. Additionally, there is a new game called Strands that is still in beta testing.
For those looking for Wordle tips, one suggestion is to choose a familiar five-letter object as a starter word. Some popular starter words include COUCH and CHAIR. Others prefer using words that contain common letters in the English language, such as TRAIN or TRAIL. It is important to understand the rules and mechanics of the game in order to improve your chances of guessing the word correctly. The Times has celebrated various milestones related to Wordle, including the game’s 1000th word being ERUPT.
Players can enjoy a variety of word puzzle games in the Times Games collection. Connections is a game where players must group related words together based on specific criteria. Spelling Bee is another popular game that challenges players to create as many words as possible using a set of letters. With multiple games to choose from, players can find a word puzzle that suits their preferences and challenges their skills. If you enjoy word-based games, exploring the Times Games collection can provide hours of entertainment and mental stimulation.