Manbir Singh Kohli recalls organizing a screening of the classic 1950s Hindi movie Pyaasa at Avoca Beach Picture Theatre without subtitles. Despite the lack of understanding of the dialogue, many locals attended and enjoyed the movie’s atmosphere. Kohli explained the plot before the start and paused the movie twice to explain the story’s progress. The diehards who stayed until the end were rewarded with a food-filled after-party on the theatre’s lawns.
Randi Svensen of Wyong shares a childhood memory of her rebellious teenage phase when her mother spoke to her in Norwegian, and she replied in English. This led to interesting encounters during shopping trips. John Swanton of Clovelly expresses surprise at the luxury price range of blueberries, comparing them to items like caviar and truffles. Another anonymous musing on the Everglades golf club raises questions about the club’s financial struggles and lack of recyclables.
Andrew Raymond of Parramatta humorously identifies himself as a librocubicularist, a person who reads in bed, after encountering the term in a Superquiz. Peter Miniutti of Ashbury jokes about Janita Rankin’s grandson needing both Batman Body Wash and Conditioner Gordon. Paul Duncan of Leura questions the discovery of a Viking sword on a Norwegian farmer’s property, pondering the work these Vikings were doing that required them to have swords.
John Lees of Castlecrag and Sarah Hammond of Surf Beach point out Avenue Road in Mosman as an oxymoronic location. Michael Will of Deakin (ACT) mentions the renaming of Mosquito Bay to Mossy Point, with some locals still referring to it as Mozzy Point. Ted Richards from Batemans Bay corroborates this claim, showcasing the persistence of local traditions in the face of official changes.