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In 2024, Solo Agers, a growing demographic of older adults who live alone without family support, will have their own day on May 15th called SAVvy Day (Solo Agers Visibility Day). This day is meant to raise awareness about Solo Agers, who make up over 22 million of the older adult population in the US. Solo Agers face unique challenges as they age, including a potential scarcity of caregivers due to the sheer size of the Baby Boomer cohort and the changing dynamics of family relationships.

The rise of Solo Agers can be attributed to various factors, including the increasing number of women in the Baby Boomer generation who chose not to have children. This trend was influenced by the availability of reliable birth control in the late 60s and early 70s, allowing women to pursue careers and independence without societal pressure to start a family. As a result, many Boomer women prioritized their careers over marriage and family life, leading to a higher number of childless individuals in this generation.

With the changing dynamics of family relationships and the so-called “family diaspora,” where adult children often move away from their parents for job opportunities and different lifestyles, Solo Agers may find themselves without a support system as they age. This trend, coupled with the projected shortage of family caregivers for the aging Baby Boomer population, highlights the need for greater awareness and support for Solo Agers in our society.

Solo Agers face unique challenges as they age, including the potential for loneliness and isolation if they lose a partner or become unable to drive and visit friends or attend events. Planning for the future is crucial for Solo Agers to ensure their safety, security, and well-being as they age. Organizations, financial planners, senior centers, and agencies on aging are resources that can provide guidance and support for Solo Agers as they navigate the complexities of aging without family support.

As the number of Solo Agers continues to grow, the need for awareness and support for this demographic becomes increasingly important. SAVvy Day serves as an opportunity to acknowledge the unique challenges faced by Solo Agers and to educate others on ways to support and assist them. With proper planning and access to resources, Solo Agers can navigate the aging process with confidence and security, knowing that they have the support they need to live independently and thrive in their later years.

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