In the sixth episode of Shōgun, titled “Ladies Of The Willow World,” the focus is on the female characters of the show, particularly Mariko and Ochiba No Kata. Mariko’s troubled past is revealed, with her father being executed for assassinating the previous shōgun, who was considered a tyrant that needed to be stopped. Toranaga’s involvement in the assassination is also hinted at, with Ochiba No Kata expressing her hatred towards him and urging the regents to destroy him.
Throughout the episode, key moments between Toranaga, Mariko, and her husband Buntaro shed light on their complex relationships. Mariko questions why her father married her off poorly if he had big plans for her, to which Toranaga reveals that her father sent her away to keep her safe before carrying out the regicide. Toranaga is impressed by Mariko’s insights on Ochiba’s motivations for warring against them with such hatred.
As news of further strife in Osaka reaches them, Toranaga summons his war council and declares Operation Crimson Sky, a plan to storm Osaka and form a new government with Toranaga as shōgun. Despite claiming he never wanted the title, it is part of his family’s legacy. The episode ends with tensions escalating towards war, both on the battlefield and within relationships. Meanwhile, Blackthorne is offered gifts by Toranaga, including a fiefdom and the position of admiral over Toranaga’s cannon regiment.
The episode also delves into Ochiba’s backstory through flashbacks and a dramatization of the past involving Lord Ito as the former Taikō. Ochiba’s experience with the Taikō, who struggled to have an heir, sheds light on her character and motivations. The play reveals disturbing interactions between the Taikō and Ochiba, highlighting her determination to bear a child by any means necessary.
Overall, the episode showcases the complexities of the characters and their intertwining motives as they navigate political intrigue and personal relationships in a turbulent time. The impending war and the revelations about the characters’ pasts set the stage for further drama and conflict in the upcoming episodes. Fans of the series are eagerly anticipating the unfolding events as the storyline continues to unfold.