In her first interview as the Democratic presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris expressed her support for fracking and a tough stance on border security, indicating that there should be consequences for individuals who cross the U.S. border without authorization. Harris addressed the left-wing positions she previously held as a presidential candidate in 2019, emphasizing that she no longer supports banning fracking, as she made clear during the 2020 debate stage and as vice president. Harris emphasized her belief that a thriving clean energy economy can be achieved without banning fracking, implying a shift in her views on the issue. Regarding unauthorized border crossings, Harris did not explicitly state her current stance on whether they should be criminal offenses but indicated that there should be consequences for those who violate the law.
CNN’s Dana Bash questioned Harris about her change of heart on these key issues, particularly on fracking. Harris did not provide specific details about her shift in perspective but emphasized that she now sees fracking as compatible with the country’s climate and renewable energy goals. She emphasized her experience in prosecuting transnational criminal organizations that engage in trafficking illegal goods and individuals, underscoring her unique qualifications to address border security issues. Harris highlighted her background as an attorney general in a border state, emphasizing her commitment to enforcing existing laws regarding unauthorized immigration.
Despite not explicitly stating her position on whether unauthorized border crossings should be considered civil or criminal offenses, Harris indicated her belief in the importance of enforcing laws related to border security and immigration. She stressed the need for consequences for individuals who cross the border illegally, signaling a firm stance on upholding the rule of law in addressing these complex issues. Recognizing the challenges posed by transnational criminal organizations that exploit vulnerable individuals, Harris highlighted her track record in prosecuting such groups and her commitment to enforcing existing laws as president.
As the interview with Harris unfolded, it became clear that her positions on fracking and border security have evolved since her time as a presidential candidate in 2019. Harris reiterated her support for fracking and emphasized the possibility of achieving a thriving clean energy economy without banning the extraction method. While not delving into the specifics of her changed views, Harris signaled a shift in her perspective on these contentious issues. With a background in law enforcement and a focus on prosecuting criminal organizations involved in trafficking, Harris emphasized the importance of enforcing immigration laws and addressing the challenges posed by unauthorized border crossings. Her statements during the interview underscored her commitment to upholding the rule of law and addressing border security in a comprehensive manner.