Gypsy Rose Blanchard, known for her involvement in the death of her mother, recently welcomed a baby girl named Aurora with her partner, Ken Urker. Just one week after giving birth, Blanchard shared a photo of her postpartum body on Instagram, expressing that she was feeling more energized. The couple announced the birth via social media with a sweet photo of the new family in the hospital, stating that Aurora was healthy and they were thrilled with the arrival.
Blanchard had spent nearly nine years in prison after pleading guilty to second-degree murder in her mother’s death. Her mother, Clauddine “Dee Dee” Blanchard, was believed to have Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a mental health condition in which someone pretends a person under their care is sick when they are not. Throughout her childhood, Gypsy was convinced she had various illnesses and disabilities, leading to the tragic events that led to her imprisonment. Gypsy’s story was depicted in a documentary and a Hulu series, shedding light on the complex and tragic events that transpired.
Gypsy had previously been engaged to Urker in 2018, but they split in 2019. Later, she married Ryan Anderson while behind bars in 2022, though the wedding was a small, private affair with no guests. Following her release in 2023, Gypsy announced her divorce from Anderson in 2024. By July of that year, she confirmed rumors of her pregnancy with Urker, expressing her excitement to become a mother for the first time in January 2025.
Despite her tumultuous past and time spent in prison, Gypsy has been adapting to her new role as a mother, sharing updates on social media about her postpartum journey. Her journey from imprisonment to motherhood has been a challenging one, but Gypsy appears to be embracing this new chapter in her life with positivity and joy. With the support of Urker and their new baby, Aurora, Gypsy is looking forward to writing a new chapter in her life with her growing family.
Throughout her time in prison, Gypsy has experienced various highs and lows, from engagement and marriage to divorce and pregnancy. Despite the challenges she has faced, she has persevered and remained resilient, focusing on her future and the positive aspects of her life. As she navigates the complexities of motherhood and her past actions, Gypsy is determined to create a happy and fulfilling life for herself and her daughter, Aurora, as they embark on this new journey together.