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Green Shirt Day, which falls on the fifth anniversary of the initiative in Saskatchewan, aims to raise awareness about the importance of being an organ donor. Kyla Thomson, a mother from Saskatchewan, emphasizes the significance of understanding that organ and tissue donors are not always living. She shares her daughter Bella’s story, who recently received a life-saving bowel transplant after living with bowel failure and developing SVC syndrome. Thomson believes that by continuing the conversation about organ donation, more lives can be saved, like Bella’s. She has noticed a positive impact on awareness in the province through initiatives like Green Shirt Day.

Green Shirt Day was established after the tragic 2018 bus crash involving the Humboldt Broncos junior hockey team, which claimed the life of player Logan Boulet and 15 others. Logan had expressed his desire to be an organ donor before his passing, ultimately saving the lives of six people. His family, including his mother Bernadine Boulet, feels proud to see his legacy continue through initiatives like Green Shirt Day. They believe that sharing Logan’s story has been a part of their grieving journey and has made it easier to talk about organ donation compared to six years ago. For them, the most important aspect is keeping Logan’s legacy alive and encouraging more Canadians to become organ donors.

Saskatchewan transplant surgeon Dr. Mike Moser emphasizes the significant impact that organ donation can have on the lives of recipients. A single donor can save up to eight lives through solid organ transplants, while tissues can save up to 50 people. He describes the transformative effect that organ transplants have on recipients, with many feeling better and more energized shortly after the procedure. The Ministry of Health reports an increase in registered organ donors in the province, with over 29,000 donors as of March 2024. This growth is attributed to initiatives like the health-care renewal sticker mailout that included information about organ donation and registration links.

Thomson highlights the healing aspect of organ donation, noting that amidst tragedy, there is the opportunity for healing for both donor families and recipients. She believes that agreeing to donate organs can bring comfort to families who have lost loved ones, knowing that they are helping others in need. Dr. Moser stresses the importance of having conversations about organ donation with family members, as consent from the next of kin is required for organ donation to proceed. He encourages families to discuss donation plans, especially during April as tragedies can occur unexpectedly. By raising awareness and having open discussions about organ donation, more lives can be saved, giving hope to those in need of transplants.

Overall, Green Shirt Day serves as a powerful reminder of the life-saving impact of organ donation and the importance of spreading awareness about the topic. Logan Boulet’s story continues to inspire others to become organ donors, leading to positive changes in attitudes towards donation. Through initiatives like Green Shirt Day and increased registration of organ donors in Saskatchewan, more lives can be saved and transformed through the gift of organ donation. It is essential to continue the conversation, educate the public, and encourage families to discuss their organ donation wishes to ensure that more individuals have the opportunity to benefit from life-saving transplants.

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